Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Lord of the Flies
Written by: William Golding
First published: 1954

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Lord of the Flies

The novel "Lord of the Flies" is set in a time of merciless murder and destruction... World War II. A group of children are being evacuated from Britain on plane when it is hit by a shell and crashes. The children survive but the pilot and all other adults on the plane die. "We're on an island...", "...We saw no houses, no smoke, no footprints, no boats, no people. We're on an uninhabited island with no people on it...", "...We'll have to look after ourselves."

The children, emerging from a rich and civilised culture, struggle to adapt to their new home. Some strive in this new, wild environment, while some wish for home.

Some children are motivated by order and civilisation. The others by anarchy and wildness. over time, the children take on a savage, animalistic character. The once togetherness of the group is lost and the children split up into two groups. From then, it is no longer a fight for order, it is a fight for survival.

A conversation between two readers about the character Piggy

Alex: Hey sup
Alan: Nothing much, I'm reading this book called "Lord of the Flies"
Alex: Aww, really? I'm reading that too!
Alan: Cool!
Alex: I reckon my favourite character's Piggy.
Alan: Ofcourse... but hes so unlucky in the novel
Alex: Ofcourse. He's obese, he's got asthma, he's physically unfit, so he's unpopular within the group. I feel so sorry for him. He doesn't have any popular qualities. Aww, Golding knows how to make us feel so bad for piggy.
Alan: Yes, i know. oh, yeah, remember that bit where they're on the mountain because Jack lets the fire out to go hunting?
Alex: Yeah! Piggy's so passive, he lets Jack tease him. Jack punched him and he just sat down. This is another thing that doesn't get him ahead in the group.
Alan: Yeah, " at last to hit someone, stuck his fist into Piggy's stomach. Piggy sat down with a grunt." He just sits down. He doesn't stand up for himself...and when Jack doesnt give Piggy any meat, "aren't i having none?" He's so passive and this doesn't help with his image within the group.
Alex: Yeah, but without Piggy, Ralph would've given up being chief.
Alan: Yeah, Ralph says "I ought to give up being chief. Hear 'em.", then piggy says "oh lord! oh no!" and convinces Ralph to stay as chief for the moment.
Alex: and piggy's always thinking of order and how to help the group.
Alan: yeah, remember how he took a chance and started making suggestion, "we could make a sundial."
Alex: yeah and then Ralph just gets annoyed. Piggy's all about the group he doesn't care about his own image. he downgrades his own image so much to help the other children!
Alan: yeah... okay i'm going to go and read more of the Lord of the Flies now!
Alex: okay, me too!

Lord of the Flies character, Piggy

Lord of the Flies character, Piggy
a symbol of order and security